- A holistic approach to materials selection in component design (NT TR 476)
- A method for glue bond quality testing of flange_web adhesive connections of wooden I-beams (NT TR 552)
- A new standard for machine strength grading of timber – assessment and application (NT TR 554)
- A simplified method to determine impact sound improvement on light-weight floors (NT TR 488)
- Accelerated weathering of fire-Retardant treated wood for fire testing (NT FIRE 053)
- Acceptance criteria for landfilling of waste under nordic conditions (NT TR 520)
- Acoustic design of open-plan offices (NT TR 619)
- Acoustical screens: Rating and classification (NT ACOU 085)
- Acoustical screens: Sound absorption (NT ACOU 032)
- Acoustics: Assessment of annoyance caused by vibrations in dwellings from road and rail traffic by means of socio-vibrational and social surveys (NT ACOU 106)
- Acoustics: Determination in the field of structure-borne sound source strength of building service equipment (NT ACOU 117)
- Acoustics: Framework for the verification of environmental noise calculation software (NT ACOU 107)
- Acoustics: Human sound perception – Guidelines for listening tests (NT ACOU 111)
- Acoustics: Human sound perception – measurement positions for measurement of loudness (NT ACOU 110)
- Acoustics: In situ measurements of permanently installed public address systems (NT ACOU 108)
- Acoustics: Prominence of impulsive sounds and for adjustment of Laeq (NT ACOU 112)
- Active leakage detectors: Reliability (NT VVS 094)
- Active solar heating systems: Guidelines for monitoring (NT VVS 056)
- Adhesive compounds: tests for use in marine environments (NT POLY 175)
- Adhesive: Absorption of deformation (NT BUILD 501)
- Adhesives for floor and wall coverings: Discolouration of coverings (NT BUILD 145)
- Adhesives for floor and wall coverings: Long-term shear strength (NT BUILD 141)
- Adhesives for floor and wall coverings: Peel off strength (NT BUILD 143)
- Adhesives for floor and wall coverings: Resistance against plasticiser (NT BUILD 146)
- Adhesives for floor and wall coverings: Shear strength (NT BUILD 142)
- Aggregates: Frost resistance test using 1 % NaCl (NT BUILD 485)
- Air heaters: Solid fuel, safety (NT VVS 067)
- Air raid shelters – pressure relief valves: Opening pressure (NT VVS 046)
- Air raid shelters – ventilating aggregate: Performance data (NT VVS 043)
- Air raid shelters equipment: Flow resistance (NT VVS 045)
- Air raids shelters – ventilating aggregate: Sound pressure level (NT VVS 044)
- Air terminal devices: Acoustic transmission loss (NT ACOU 105)
- Air terminal devices: Aerodynamic testing and rating at low velocity (NT VVS 083)
- Air terminal units, air terminal devices, dampers and valves: Sound power level by sound intensity (NT ACOU 091)
- Air traffic: Noise immission, residental areas (NT ACOU 075)
- Air traffic: Noise reductions of dwellings (NT ACOU 074)
- Air transference: Intake and inlet air (NT VVS 063)
- Air valves – drainage systems: Airtightness and flow resistance (NT VVS 093)
- Air/Air Heat Recovery Units: Aerodynamic and Thermal Performance Testing
- Alternative extraction procedures for the analysis of contaminants from environmental matrices (NT TR 468)
- An experimental comparison between isothermal calorimetry, semi-adiabatic calorimetry and solution calorimetry for the study of cement hydration (NT TR 522)
- Analysis of mortars with additives (NT TR 594)
- Anemometers, low velocity: Natural convection from heated sensors, errors (NT VVS 104)
- Anemometers: Calibration (NT VVS 018)
- Anti-flooding valves, fecal sewage: Temperature resistance (NT VVS 053)
- Anti-flooding valves,non-fecal sewage: Temperature resistance (NT VVS 054)
- Anti-scale devices: Efficiency (NT VVS 126)
- Application of WST-method for fracture testing of fibre-reinforced concrete (NT TR 575)
- Assessment of Compost Maturity and Ecotoxicity (NT TR 404)
- Assessment of corrosion protection classes for inorganic coatings on steel (NT MAT 003)
- Atrium roof construction: Fire resistance (NT FIRE 046)
- Bags: Dangerous goods transport, packaging (NT MECH 018)
- Balancing valves: Flow resistance (NT VVS 051)
- Ballast Water Risk Assessment Guidelines for the North Sea and Baltic Sea (NT TR 587)
- Bathroom floors: Watertightness (NT BUILD 230)
- Bedding components: Ignitability (NT FIRE 037)
- Best practice in design and testing of isolation rooms in Nordic hospitals (NT TR 564)
- Biaxial strength (NT MAT 004)
- Bicycle brakes: Efficiency test (NT MECH 015)
- Biodegradability testing of the municipal solid waste reject (NT TR 560)
- Bioenergy 2003-2005 – Action 2 – Development of standards to achieve market harmonisation in the bioenergy field – Review of the present status and future prospects of standards (NT TR 584)
- Biotests and guidelines for investigations of biochemical disorders based upon characterisation of pollutants in landfill leachates (NT TR 518)
- Bituminous felts: Low temperature pliability (NT BUILD 226)
- Bituminous felts: Surface sliding (NT BUILD 225)
- Bituminous felts: Tear growth (NT BUILD 224)
- Bituminous felts: Tensile strength and elongation at 23c (NT BUILD 221)
- Bituminous felts: Tensile strength and elongation at temperatures other than 23c (NT BUILD 222)
- Bituminous felts: Water content (NT BUILD 223)
- Bituminous felts: Waterproofing properties (NT BUILD 227)
- Boilers, combustion of fuels: Emission of oxides of nitrogen and sulphur (NT VVS 108)
- Boxes: Dangerous goods transport, packaging (NT MECH 019)
- Bricks and masonry blocks: Density (NT BUILD 332)
- Bricks and masonry blocks: Moisture content (NT BUILD 333)
- Bricks and masonry blocks: Water absorption (NT BUILD 334)
- Building board and paper: Air permeance (NT BUILD 219)
- Building components – chimney elements: Mechanical testing (NT BUILD 339)
- Building elements – facade elements and facades: Field measurements of airborne sound insulation – Loudspeaker method using mls noise signals (NT ACOU 102)
- Building elements, small: Sound insulation, intensity scanning under laboratory conditions (NT ACOU 093)
- Building elements: Sound insulation, intensity scanning under laboratory conditions (NT ACOU 084)
- Building facades – coatings: Performance (NT BUILD 281)
- Building gaskets: Compression set (NT BUILD 109)
- Building gaskets: Contact and migration stain (NT BUILD 112)
- Building gaskets: Deformation resistance (NT BUILD 108)
- Building gaskets: Rain penetration (NT BUILD 107)
- Building gaskets: Resistance to solvents, salt spray, cleaning agents and other chemicals (NT BUILD 111)
- Building gaskets: Tear resistance (NT BUILD 382)
- Building gaskets: Water absorption (NT BUILD 106)
- Building materials – coatings: Water transmission (NT BUILD 279)
- Building materials – coatings: Wetting and drying (NT BUILD 280)
- Building materials – polyethylene films: Properties and durability (NT BUILD 216)
- Building materials and components in the vertical position: Exposure to accelerated climatic strains (NT BUILD 495)
- Building materials, coating systems on exterior wood: Performance -accelerated test (NT BUILD 229)
- Building materials, coating systems on materials: Resistance and protective value (NT BUILD 228)
- Building materials, tightening tapes: Performance (NT BUILD 298)
- Building materials, wood: Moisture content (NT BUILD 302)
- Building materials, wood: Moisture content (NT BUILD 420)
- Building materials: Ability to prevent dripping of condensation water (NT BUILD 304)
- Building materials: Combustible content (NT FIRE 038)
- Building materials: Degree of capillary saturation (NT BUILD 472)
- Building materials: Dimensional changes by changing humidity conditions (NT BUILD 113)
- Building materials: Emission of volatile compounds – field and laboratory emission cell (flec) (NT BUILD 438)
- Building materials: Emission of volatile compounds – On-site measurements with Field and Laboratory Emission Cell (FLEC) (NT BUILD 484)
- Building materials: Emission of volatile compounds, chamber method (NT BUILD 358)
- Building materials: Emission testing using the CLIMPAQ (NT BUILD 482)
- Building materials: Formaldehyde emission – field test (NT BUILD 214)
- Building materials: Retention curve and pore size distribution (NT BUILD 481)
- Building products: Fire spread and smoke production – full scale test (NT FIRE 030)
- Building products: Flammability and smouldering resistance of loose-fill thermal insulation (NT FIRE 035)
- Building products: Heat release and smoke generation (NT CONS 004)
- Building products: Ignitability (NT FIRE 002)
- Building sealants: Ability to accomodate movements (NT BUILD 147)
- Building structures, junctions: Transmission of vibrations – field measurements (NT ACOU 090)
- Building structures, moisture content: Neutron method (NT BUILD 346)
- Buildings – exhaust ventilation: Exhaust fan plant capacity, air flows (NT VVS 069)
- Buildings – ventilating air: Mean age of air (NT VVS 047)
- Buildings – ventilation air: Local mean age (NT VVS 019)
- Buildings: Large scale kitchen range hoods – hood efficiency and pressure drop (NT VVS 088)
- Buildings: Local air tightness (NT BUILD 220)
- Buildings: Rate of ventilation in different parts of a building (NT BUILD 232)
- Buildings: Total flow rate of air – continuous measurement (NT VVS 048)
- Buildings: Total outdoor air inflow (NT VVS 055)
- Buildings: Vibration and shock, evaluation of annoyance (NT ACOU 082)
- Buktningsprovning av marmor för fasadbeklädnad (NT TR 481)
- Bulkheads: Sound radiation efficiency – Laboratory testa (NT ACOU 033)
- Burner heads, prefurnaces: Sawdust and wood chips, safety (NT VVS 068)
- Calibration of gypsum blocks for soil moisture measurements (NT BUILD 496)
- Calibration of the electrochemical methods for the corrosion rate measurement of steel in concrete (NT TR 521)
- Calibration procedures for atomic force microscopes (NT TR 536)
- Carbon monoxide toxic alarms: Performance (NT ELEC 015)
- Card frames, 19 in series: Classification for vibration and shock (NT ELEC 021)
- Ceiling boards, mineral fibres: Emission (NT BUILD 347)
- Ceiling cooling systems: Cooling capacity (NT VVS 078)
- Cellular plastics, rigid: Dimensional stability (NT BUILD 241)
- Cellular plastics, rigid: Thermal conductivity (NT BUILD 348)
- Cement: Heat of hydration (NT BUILD 480)
- CEN EN 12457 leaching test – Comparison of test results obtained by part 1 and 2 with test results obtained by part 3 (NT TR 539)
- CEN/BT/TF 120 Oil spill identification – Summary report: Round robin test Series B(NT TR 497)
- Children’s seats for bicycles: Dynamic testing (NT MECH 010)
- Circulating pumps: Heating and water supply systems, performance (NT VVS 073)
- Cladding materials: Indentation hardness (NT BUILD 059)
- Cladding panels: Field method for measurement of bowing (NT BUILD 500)
- Cladding panels: Test for bowing (NT BUILD 499)
- Coated building materials: Determination of water absorption/desorption (NT BUILD 342)
- Coatings: Mould resistance (NT BUILD 338)
- Combination packagings: Dangerous goods (NT MECH 033)
- Combustible products: Commodity classification – Fire test procedure (NT FIRE 049)
- Combustible products: Smoke gas concentrations, continuous FTIR analysis (NT FIRE 047)
- Combustion by-products, corrosion: Corrosivity of combustion by-products used as fill around carbon steel structures (NT MAT 001)
- Comminuting machines: Noise (NT ACOU 051)
- Components and insulation materials in electronics: Determination of electric strength by partial discharge measurement (NT ELEC 029)
- Concrete and mortar, hardened: Fracture energy (mode 1) – three-point bend tests on notched beams (NT BUILD 491)
- Concrete and mortar, polymer cement (pcc): Consistency (NT BUILD 429)
- Concrete and mortar, polymer cement (pcc): Moulded test specimens – curing (NT BUILD 428)
- Concrete and mortar: Binder content by calculation from chemical analysis (NT BUILD 436)
- Concrete injection resin: Shear bond strength (NT BUILD 350)
- Concrete surfaces, organic paints: Acid resistance (NT BUILD 363)
- Concrete, autoclaved aerated: Length changes due to moisture variations (NT BUILD 444)
- Concrete, fresh: Chloride content (NT BUILD 199)
- Concrete, fresh: Compactibility with ic-tester (intensive compaction tester) (NT BUILD 427)
- Concrete, fresh: initial setting time and activation energy during setting (NT BUILD 476)
- Concrete, hardened and mortar: Calcium oxide and soluble silica contents (NT BUILD 437)
- Concrete, hardened, repair: Chloride penetration resistance of paint on concrete (NT BUILD 489)
- Concrete, hardened: Accelerated chloride penetration (NT BUILD 443)
- Concrete, hardened: Air void structure and air content (NT BUILD 240)
- Concrete, hardened: Air void structure and air content (NT BUILD 381)
- Concrete, hardened: Chloride content by volhard titration (NT BUILD 208)
- Concrete, hardened: Chloride content by volhard titration (NT BUILD 208s)
- Concrete, hardened: Compressive strength of test specimens (NT BUILD 203)
- Concrete, hardened: Compressive strength – accelerated curing for 24 hours (NT BUILD 206)
- Concrete, hardened: Core bending test (NT BUILD 212)
- Concrete, hardened: Density (NT BUILD 207)
- Concrete, hardened: Dimensions of test specimens (NT BUILD 200)
- Concrete, hardened: Modulus of elasticity in compression (NT BUILD 205)
- Concrete, hardened: Pullout strength (NT BUILD 211)
- Concrete, hardened: Rebound number (NT BUILD 210)
- Concrete, hardened: relative humidity measured in drilled holes (NT BUILD 439)
- Concrete, hardened: Sampling and treatment of cores for strength tests (NT BUILD 202)
- Concrete, hardened: Self desiccation (NT BUILD 490)
- Concrete, hardened: Tensile strength of test specimens (NT BUILD 204)
- Concrete, hardened: Ultrasonic pulse velocity (NT BUILD 213)
- Concrete, hardened: Water-cement ratio (NT BUILD 361 – Edition 2)
- Concrete, mortar and cement based repair materials: Chloride diffusion coefficient from migration cell experiments (NT BUILD 355 – Edition 2)
- Concrete, mortar and cement based repair materials: Quality control of fresh self-compacting concrete – Workability, air content, density and casting of test specimens (NT BUILD 507)
- Concrete, mortar and cement-based repair materials: Chloride migration coefficient from non-steady-state migration experiments (NT BUILD 492)
- Concrete, mortar, hardened: Water permeability of water-saturated concrete (NT BUILD 506)
- Concrete, repair materials and protective coating: bond strenght, direct pull-off test (NT BUILD 365)
- Concrete, repair materials and protective coating: Shrinkage and swelling (NT BUILD 366)
- Concrete, repair materials: Capillary absorption (NT BUILD 368)
- Concrete, repair materials: Coefficient of thermal expansion (NT BUILD 367)
- Concrete, repair materials: Water diffusion (NT BUILD 369)
- Concrete, repairing materials and protective coating: Embedded steel method, chloride permeability (NT BUILD 356)
- Concrete, repairing materialsand protective coating: Carbonation resistance (NT BUILD 357)
- Concrete: Cracking tendency – exposure to drying during the first 24 hours (NT BUILD 433)
- Concrete: Heat development (NT BUILD 388)
- Concrete: Making and curing of moulded test specimens for strength tests (NT BUILD 201)
- Concrete: Making and curing of test specimens (NT BUILD 303)
- Consensus meeting on chemical testing of emission from building products (NT TR 506)
- Consensus meeting on chemical testing of emission from building products (NT TR 506a)
- ConTrollo della qualità interno: manuale per i laboratori di analisi chimiche. Quarta edizione (2011) del Nordtest Report TR 569
- Contôle interne de la qualité – Manuel pour les laboratoires d’analyses chimiques (Trollboken – Troll book) (NT TR 569 – French/français))
- Cooking vessels: Efficiency (NT CONS 008)
- Corporate environmental reporting – Suggestions for an incremental and standardised framework applicable to a variety of companies especially small and medium-sized enterprises (NT TR 568)
- Corrosion test for fire retardant treated wooden products (NT FIRE 056)
- Corrosion testing of electronic units (NT TR 590)
- Corrosion, internal: Detection and sizing, manual ultrasonics (NT NDT 008)
- Coverings: Fire protection ability (NT FIRE 003)
- Crack depth measurement: Electric potential drop techniques (NT NDT 006)
- Creep of granulated loose-fil insulation – Test method and round robin test (NT TR 491)
- Curtains and Drapes: Flammability
- Cutting fluids for drilling: Evaluation by drill life test (NT MECH 038)
- Çevre Laboratuvarlarinda Ölçüm Belirsizligi Hesaplamalari için El Kitabi (NT TR 537 – Edition 3.1 Turkish version)
- Çevre Laboratuvarlarinda Ölçüm Belirsizligi Hesaplamalari için El Kitabi (NT TR 537 – Edition 4)
- Density of loose-fill insulation material exposed to cyclic humidity conditions (NT TR 565)
- Determination in the field of structure-borne sound source strength of building service equipment – A pilot study with inter-laboratory comparisons and a proposal for a Nordtest method (NT TR 616)
- Determination of amount of oil on surfaces (NT POLY 181)
- Determination of corrosion protection classes for inorganic coatings on steel (NT TR 462 Swedish)
- Determination of flexibility and fatigue resistance of aged ballast tank coatings (NT POLY 185)
- Determination of losses during injection on hydraulic injection moulding machines METHOD B (NT POLY 178)
- Determination of the injection performance of hydraulic injection moulding machines METHOD A (NT POLY 177)
- Determination of the natural and organic polymer fibre content in needle-punched composite materials (mats) (NT POLY 186)
- Determination of the water absorption ability of anti-condensation paints (NT POLY 170)
- Determination of total or partial trace element content in soil and inorganic waste materials (NT TR 446)
- Determination of work place noise exposure – Consideration of measurements, calculations and uncertainty (NT TR 515)
- Development of a test procedure for sandwich panels using ISO 9705 philosophy (NT TR 480)
- Development of test methods for electret filters (NT TR 320)
- Development of tests for characterising the leaching of organic compounds from contaminated soils and waste products (NT TR 464)
- Developments of a framework of organic leaching tests for environmental impact assessments (NT TR 585)
- Direct acting electric heating – Testing of control systems Part 3: evaluation using real-time simulation (NT VVS 125)
- Direct acting electric heating – testing of control systems: Part 1: terminology and evaluation in a test chamber (NT VVS 123)
- Direct acting electric heating – Testing of control systems: Part 2: evaluation of control sensors (NT VVS 124)
- Distribution, degradation and toxicity of pesticides at environmentally realistic temperatures (NT TR 496)
- Domestic packages with screw tops: Openability (NT CONS 006)
- Domestic wastewater treatment – septic tank: Sludge separation, storage capacity (NT VVS 075)
- Doors in buildings: Airborne sound insulation (NT ACOU 069)
- Drinking water, mechanical filters: Reliability (NT VVS 096)
- Drums and jerricans: Dangerous goods transport, packaging (NT MECH 020)
- Drums and jerricans: Dangerous goods transport, packaging (NT MECH 020)
- Ducted silencers: Transmission loss, transfer function method in ducts (NT ACOU 095)
- Durability of reaction to fire – performance: Classes of fire-retardant treated wood-based products in interior and exterior end use applications (NT FIRE 054)
- Dust and powder layers: Electric spark sensitivity (NT FIRE 016)
- Dust clouds: Minimum explosible dust concentration (NT FIRE 011)
- Dwellings: Indication of high annual radon daughter concentration (NT BUILD 231)
- Dwellings: Radon daughter concentration (nt build 150)
- Elastic coatings: Crack bridging performance (NT POLY 184)
- Electret filters: Determination of the electrostatic enhancement factor of filter media (NT VVS 117)
- Electrical equipment: Combined damp heat steady state and cold water spraying test method (NT ELEC 025)
- Electrical equipment: Environmental test procedures (NT ELEC 016a)
- Electrical equipment: Environmental test procedures (NT ELEC 016g)
- Electronic components: Reliability stress screening (NT ELEC 027)
- Electronic equipment, supplementary, intended for installation in road vehicles: Electromagnetic compatibility (NT ELEC 019)
- Electronic equipment: Determination of the shielding efficiency of shielding elements using shielded non-absorbing test rooms (NT ELEC 030)
- Electronic equipment: Protection against electrostatic discharge (NT ELEC 024)
- Electronic safety limit switch: Evaluation (NT ELEC 009)
- Electrotechnical and mechanical products: Tightness against water jets originating from high pressure cleaning processes (NT ELEC 023)
- Environmental benchmarking – A tool for continuous environmental improvements in the SME sector (NT TR 588)
- Environmental Noise from Industrial Plants
- Environmental risk assessment of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) – Identification of Data Needs (NT TR 523)
- Environmental testing of alarm systems with wire-free radio interconnections (NT ELEC 035)
- Estimation of cement_binder profile parallel to the determination of chloride profile in concrete (NT TR 541)
- Etv test centre and test organization Centre quality manual template_Nowatech (NT ENVIR 011)
- Exhaust air heat pumps: Performancea (NT VVS 086)
- Extended firing sheds and shooting blinds (NT TR 478 – Revised)
- Extended firing sheds and shooting blinds (NT TR 478)
- External doors: Air tightness and closing force (NT BUILD 234)
- External wall elements: Freezing and thawing (NT BUILD 305)
- Fabrics and inhomogeneous materials: Measurement of a direct discharge from an esd protective material, such as an esd garment/fabric (NT ELEC 036)
- Fasteners for timber frame sheeting – Development of a test method for single fasteners (NT TR 553)
- Fibre beds: In-plane permeability (NT POLY 183)
- Fibre reinforcement sheets for plastics: Compaction behaviour (NT POLY 173)
- Fibre reinforcement sheets for plastics: Permeability (NT POLY 174)
- Field test method for the easurement of filter efficiency (NT TR 531)
- Filing cabinets, data cabinets and diskette cabinets: Fire resistance (NT FIRE 017)
- Filters: Adsorptive gas filters (NT VVS 109)
- Fire dampers: Efficiency to prevent fire spread (NT FIRE 010)
- Fire extinguishing foam concentrates (NT FIRE 023)
- Fire extinguishing foam, environmental and health properties: Hazard evaluation (NT FIRE 051)
- Fire protection: Fire extinguishing media – Powder (NT FIRE 044)
- Fire-LCA guidelines (NT TR 583)
- Fixed airflow measuring devices: Sensitivity to flow disturbance (NT VVS 098)
- Flat roofs – coverings: Bond strength (NT BUILD 138)
- Flexible sewers: Evaluation of methods and equipment for field measurements of deformation (NT VVS 049)
- Floating floors: Structural classification (NT BUILD 384)
- Floor and roof elements: Uniformly distributed loading (NT BUILD 297)
- Floor and wall coverings, adhesives: Direct pull strength (NT BUILD 238)
- Floor coverings, concrete or timber joist floors: Rating of impactsound improvement (NT ACOU 034)
- Floor coverings: Assessment of visible soiling (NT BUILD 325)
- Floor heating systems: Acceptance test (NT VVS 119)
- Floor heating systems: Design and type testing of waterborne heat systems for lightweight structures (NT VVS 127)
- Floor materials: Indentation with loading – General short-time testing (NT BUILD 042)
- Floor screeds: Surface strength (NT BUILD 477)
- Floor structures: Deflection of light-weight structures subjected to a concentrated load (NT BUILD 341)
- Floorings: Fire spread and smoke generation (NT FIRE 007)
- Floors in bathrooms: Watertightness (NT BUILD 065)
- Floors in sport centers: Dynamic point load strength (NT BUILD 218)
- Floors in sport centres: Impact dampening (NT BUILD 122)
- Floors in sport halls: Friction at rotating movement (NT BUILD 330)
- Floors in sports halls: Friction at rotating movement (NT BUILD 494)
- Floors: Ease of cleaning (NT BUILD 326)
- Floors: Flatness and slope (NT BUILD 239)
- Flow meters: Accelerated durability testing (NT VVS 121)
- Flue gases: Acid dew point – detector method (NT VVS 016)
- Fluid spray: Combustion efficiency (NT FIRE 031)
- Foam branches, portable: Performance test (NT FIRE 041)
- Foam concentrates, proportioner: Performance test (NT FIRE 042)
- Frost Resistance test on Aggregates with and without Salt (FRAS) (NT TR 566)
- Garden vehicles: Operator’s noise (NT ACOU 054)
- Gas alarms: Performance (NT ELEC 003)
- Glue joints: Integrity in structural laminated products for exterior use (NT BUILD 299)
- Ground surfaces: Determination of the acoustic impedance (NT ACOU 104)
- Grunnlag for revisjon av prøvemetoden NT BUILD 306 (NT TR 507)
- Grunnlag for revisjon av prøvemetoden NT BUILD 307 (NT TR 510)
- Grunnlag for revisjon av prøvemetoden NT BUILD 307 (NT TR 510rev)
- Guideline for classification classification of ash from solid biofuels and peat utilised for recycling and fertilizing in forestry and agriculture (NT TR 613)
- Guideline for design and safety validation of safety-critical functions realized with hardware description language (NT TR 578)
- Guideline for NDE Reliability Determination and Description (NT TR 394)
- Guideline for selection of accelerated corrosion test for product qualification (NT TR 597)
- Guideline for the Validation of Functional Safety according to IEC 61508 (NT TR 459)
- Guidelines for assessment of software in microcomputer controlled equipment for safety-related systems (NT TR 287)
- Guidelines for Development of NDE Acceptance Criteria (NT TR 427)
- Guidelines for storing and handling of solid biofuels (NT ENVIR 010)
- Guidelines for supervision of cutting fluids (NT MECH 041)
- Guidelines to large-scale fire testing of water mist systems (NT TR 433)
- Gullies – roof drainage: Syphonic systems, discharge characteristics (NT VVS 081)
- Gullies: Air tightness (NT VVS 037)
- Gullies: Back-flow of waste water (NT VVS 041)
- Gullies: discharge capacity (NT VVS 039)
- Gullies: Mechanical strength (NT VVS 034)
- Gullies: Pressure resistance (NT VVS 042)
- Gullies: Self-evacuation (NT VVS 040)
- Gullies: Temperature resistance (NT VVS 038)
- Gullies: Tightness between floor and gully (NT VVS 036)
- Gullies: Tightness of side-inlet joint (NT VVS 035)
- Gypsum and silicate boards: Moisture conditions characterised by electrical resistance (NT BUILD 441 – Edition 2)
- Gypsum board-surface treatment: Moisture protection capability (NT BUILD 344)
- Hand-operated hoists: mechanical strength, functioning and safety (NT MECH 003)
- Handbok för beräkning av mätosäkerhet vid miljölaboratorier (NT TR 537 – Edition 4 SE)
- HANDBOOK – Environmental Assessment of Construction Products – An introduction to test methods and other procedures related to CE-marking (NT TR 618)
- Handbook for calculation of measurement uncertainty in environmental laboratories (NT TR 537 – Edition 3.1)
- Handbook for calculation of measurement uncertainty in environmental laboratories (NT TR 537 – Edition 4)
- Handbook for calculation of measurement uncertainty in environmental laboratories (NT TR 537 – Greek version)
- Handbook for calculation of measurement uncertainty in environmental laboratories (NT TR 537 – Serbian version)
- Harmonized methods for assessment of release of dangerous substances from construction products – Nordic status (NT TR 598)
- Hearing aid – induction loop systems: Measurement of the magnetic field characteristics (NT ACOU 014)
- Hearing aids: Electroacoustical properties using broad band input signals (NT ACOU 096)
- Heat flux meters: Calibration (NT FIRE 050)
- Heat meters – liquid flow: Calibration (NT VVS 020)
- Heat meters – temperature sensors: Evaluation (NT ELEC 026)
- Heat meters: Combined or complete instrument,performance test (NT VVS 085)
- Heat recovery units: Air flow capacity (NT VVS 023)
- Heat recovery units: External leakage (NT VVS 021)
- Heat recovery units: Functioning at low outdoor temperatures (NT VVS 025)
- Heat recovery units: Internal leakage (NT VVS 022)
- Heat recovery units: Temperature efficiency (NT VVS 024)
- Heating plants, small primary: Annual efficiency (NT VVS 107
- Heating systems, deaerators: Capacity and efficiency, various water flows (NT VVS 090)
- Helmets – fall test equipment: Calibration (NT MECH 008)
- High temperature components in power plants: Remnant lifetime assessment, replica inspection (NT NDT 010)
- Horizontal standard on selection of operational sampling standards (NT ENVIR 013)
- Hot surfaces: Ultrasonic testing (NT NDT 012)
- Hot water heaters, enamelled: Internal corrosion resistance (NT VVS 017)
- Hot water supply systems – compression fittings for plastic pipes: Tightness (NT VVS 011)
- Hydrogen monitoring in geothermal plants and oil and gas refineries (NT TR 474)
- Hygroscopic properties of fire-retardant treated wood and wood-based products (NT BUILD 504)
- Håndbog for beregning af måleusikkerhed på miljølaboratorier (NT TR 537 – Danish version)
- Ibc – fibreboard: Testing, certification and quality assurance, dangerous goods transport (NT MECH 029)
- Ibc – plastics inner receptacles: Testing, certification, inspection and quality assurance of composite, dangerous goods transport (NT MECH 028)
- Ibc – rigid plastics: Testing, certification, inspection and quality assurance, dangerous goods transport (NT MECH 027)
- Ibc-flexible: Testing, certification and quality assurance, dangerous goodstransport (NT MECH 026)
- Ibc-metallic: Testing, certification, inspection and quality assurance, dangerous goodstransport (NT MECH 025)
- Ibc-wooden: Testing, certification and quality assurance, dangerous goods transport (NT MECH 030
- Improved description of test equipment for roof coverings (NT TR 563 – English)
- Improved description of test equipment for roof coverings (NT TR 563 – Svensk/Swedish)
- Improved method for AFTM G48 corrosion testing of welds (NT TR 548)
- Improving heat fluxmeter calibration for fire testing laboratories (HFCAL) (NT TR 527)
- In-house calibration and control of piston operated pipettes (NT TR 626)
- Indoor air quality: Measurement of co2 (NT VVS 114)
- Indoor climate, relative humidity: Measured by wooden probes (NT BUILD 432)
- Industrial plants: Noise emission (NT ACOU 080)
- Industrial trucks: Brake performance (NT MECH 031)
- Influence of critical test conditions on the results of pH-dependent leaching tests (NT TR 466)
- Insulating materials injected into loft: Density (NT BUILD 328)
- Insulating materials injected into loft: Thickness (NT BUILD 329)
- Insulation material as underlay for roofing membranes: Bowing under the effect of a thermal gradient (NT BUILD 386)
- Insulation material as underlay for roofing membranes: Exposure to temperature variations (NT BUILD 385)
- Insulation material as underlay for roofing membranes: Resistance to mechanical load on projecting ends (NT BUILD 387)
- Insulation material, underlay for roofing membranes: Resistance to deformation at elevated temperature (NT BUILD 375)
- Insulation materials, granulated: Air permeability (NT BUILD 360)
- Insulation of steel structures: Fire protection (NT FIRE 021)
- Inter-laboratory comparison of fatigue test with evaluation of the participating laboratories calculations of measurement uncertainty (NT TR 533)
- Inter-laboratory comparison of Nordtest test method for measurement of noise in working environment (NT TR 586)
- Intercomparison and method for uncertainty calculation of water and heat flow (NT TR 610)
- Intercomparison of sandboxes used for testing joints for district heating pipes (NT TR 495)
- Intern kvalitets kontroll – Handbok för kemilaboratorier (Trollboken – Troll book) (NT TR 569 – Svensk/Swedish)
- Intern kvalitets kontroll – Handbok för kemilaboratorier (Trollboken – Troll Book) (NT TR 569 ed 5.1 – Svensk/Swedish)
- Internal Quality Control – Handbook for Chemical laboratories (Trollboken – Troll book) (NT TR 569 – English – Edition 4)
- Internal Quality Control – Handbook for Chemical laboratories (Trollboken – Troll book) (NT TR 569 – English – Edition 5.1)
- Internal Quality Control – Handbook for Chemical laboratories (Trollboken – Troll book) (NT TR 569 – Greek)
- Internal Quality Control – Handbook for Chemical laboratories (Trollboken – Troll book) (NT TR 569 – Russian – Edition 4)
- Internal Quality Control – Handbook for Chemical laboratories (Trollboken – Troll book) (NT TR 569 – Spanish – Edition 4)
- Internal Quality Control – Handbook for Chemical laboratories (Trollboken – Troll book) (NT TR 569 – Suomi/Finnish)
- Internal Quality Controll – Vodic za hemijske laboratorije (Trollboken – Troll book) (NT TR 569 – Serbian version)
- Interpretation of new test standards for fire resistance test (NT TR 555)
- Intrusion alarm systems, central equipment: Performance (NT ELEC 011)
- Intrusion alarm systems, passive infrared detectors: Performance (NT ELEC 012)
- Iç Kalite Kontrol – Kimya Laboratuvarlariçin El Kitabi (Trollboken – Troll book) (NT TR 569 – Turkish – Edition 4)
- Laboratory and reporting instructions for the CEN-BT-TF 120 oil spill identification (NT TR 499)
- Laboratory fume hoods: Performance (NT VVS 095)
- Laboratory measurement of sound insulation in the frequency range 50 Hz to 160 Hz – A Nordic intercomparison (NT TR 489 – edition 1)
- Laboratory measurement of sound insulation in the frequency range 50 Hz to 160 Hz – A Nordic intercomparison (NT TR 489)
- Laborinterne Qualitäts Kontrolle (Trollboken – Troll book) (NT TR 569 – German – Edition 4)
- Large heat meters: In situ calibration (NT VVS 087)
- Large heat pumps: Field testing and presentation of performance (NT VVS 076)
- Large solar collector arrays: In-situ efficiency test (NT VVS 097)
- Large, free-hanging curtain and drapery textiles: Heat release, fire spread and smoke production – Full scale test (NT FIRE 043)
- Leaching of active ingredients from preservative-treated timber – Semi-field testing (NT BUILD 509)
- Leaching of organic contaminants from construction debris – Development of a diffusion test procedure (NT TR 577)
- Leaching tests for non-volatile organic compounds – development and testing (NT TR 576)
- Life rafts, inflatable: Appliances for release and launching (NT MECH 032)
- Light-weight beams of wood: Loadbearing capacity and rigidity (NT BUILD 327)
- Lightweight aggregates for railway embankments – Resistance to cyclic compressive loading (NT BUILD 503)
- Lightweight aggregates: Compressibility and compressive strength after compaction by vibration (NT BUILD 498)
- Lightweight aggregates: Resistance to cyclic compressive loading (NT BUILD 497)
- Linear calibration of axial load fatigue testing machines (NT TR 579)
- Liquid applied waterproofing systems: Accelerated ageing in alkaline environment (NT BUILD 502)
- Liquid flow metering installations: Radioactive tracer transit time method, in situ calibration (NT VVS 082)
- Load moment limiter for mobile cranes: Evaluation (NT ELEC 007)
- Loose-fill insulation – Testing and modelling of creep – Alternating moisture conditions (NT BUILD 510)
- Luminaires with tubular fluorescent lamps: Sound power level (NT ACOU 092)
- Machinery and equipment: Declared noise emission values based on the determination of the combined standard deviation (NT ACOU 100)
- Machinery: Validation of safety principles in safety related parts of electronic systems (NT ELEC 034)
- Machines – vibration: Mechanical mounting of accelerometers (NT ACOU 103)
- Machines: Determination of emission sound pressure levels using sound intensity (NT ACOU 097)
- Magnetic particle suspensions: On site testing (NT NDT 004)
- Magnetic valves: Functional and operational qualities (NT VVS 100)
- Manhole covers and pressure balance valves – Methods for a type test (NT MECH 034)
- Masonry units: Frost resistance (NT BUILD 419)
- Masonry: Shear behaviour of bed joints at different levels of precompression (NT BUILD 487)
- Masonry: Strength and modulus of elasticity in compression (NT BUILD 442)
- Materials, thin: Light transmission (NT BUILD 296)
- Materials, thin: Water vapour permeability (NT BUILD 265)
- Matresses – Burning behaviour – Full scale test (NT TR 602)
- Mattresses: Burning behaviour – Full scale test (NT FIRE 055)
- Measurement of diffusion coefficients – Documentation (NT TR 615)
- Measurement of diffusion coefficients (NT POLY 188)
- Measurement of Drum Noise – A Pilot Project (NT TR 556)
- Measurement of drum sound (NT TR 573)
- Measurement of heat of hydration of cement with heat conduction calorimetry (NT BUILD 505)
- Measurement of occupational noise eaxposure of workers: Part i: survey method (NT ACOU 114)
- Measurement of occupational noise exposure of workers: Part ii: engineering method (NT ACOU 115)
- Measurement of Sound Pressure Levels at Low Frequencies in Rooms (NT TR 385)
- Mechanical components: Acceptance criteria for components excited by vibration (NT MECH 043)
- Metallographic assessment of the temperature history and remanent life of power plant components (NT MAT 002)
- Method for determination of chloride threshold values for steel in concrete (NT TR 500)
- Method for determining the composition of airborne particle pollution (NT TR 544)
- Method for measurement of complex microstructures using image processing (NT TR 526)
- Method for measuring the reduction of impact sound pressure level of a floor covering – Experiments for field application (NT TR 470)
- Method of Software Validation (NT TR 535 – Appendix 1)
- Method of Software Validation (NT TR 535 – Appendix 2)
- Method of Software Validation (NT TR 535 – Appendix 3)
- Method of Software Validation (NT TR 535 – Appendix 4)
- Method of Software Validation (NT TR 535 – Main report)
- Method of Software Validation (NT TR 535 – Validation scheme)
- Methodology of inter-comparison tests and statistical analysis of test results (NT TR 482)
- Methods for test of reinforcement material properties based on mix of stainless steel and carbon steel (NT TR 528)
- Methods for Verification & Validation of time-triggered embedded systems (NT TR 600)
- Metod för bestämning av vattenpermeabiliteten hos betong (NT TR 571)
- Microwave cooking appliances for household use: Performance and acoustical noise (NT CONS 015)
- Mixing valves, pressure and thermostatic balanced: Stability of water flow and water temperature (NT VVS 079)
- Mobile walls: Rating of expected airborne sound insulation (NT ACOU 086)
- Modelling of the radiative feedback from the flames in cone calorimeter (NT TR 540)
- Models for impact evaluation on landfill – Aspects for appropriate modelling (NT TR 601)
- Mortar joints: Density – radiometric method (NT BUILD 123)
- Mortar, hardened: Cementcontentandaggregate-binder ratio (NT BUILD 370)
- Mortar, hardened: Compressive strength by indentation tests (NT BUILD 440)
- Mortar, hardened: Frost resistance (NT BUILD 483)
- Multi-layer textiles: Burning behaviour – tablet test (NT FIRE 019)
- Nails in wood: Bending strength (NT BUILD 343)
- Natural building elements: Shear strength of connections (NT BUILD 478)
- Natural building stones: Coefficient of thermal expansion (NT BUILD 479)
- Natural organic matter in the Nordic countries (NT TR 479)
- Natural stones: Determination of sensitivity to accidental staining (NT BUILD 514)
- Nesigurnost uzorkovanja – Nordtest prurucnik za planiranje uzorkovanja vezano za obezbeenje kvaliteta uzorkovanja i procenu nesigurnosti (NT TR 604 – Serbian)
- New method for conformance assessment of radio transmitters (NT TR 589)
- Noise absorber pads: Sound absorption (NT ACOU 038)
- Noise sources – sound power level: Engineering method – reference sound source, in situ (NT ACOU 070)
- Nonwoven geotextiles: Impact resistance – falling cone (NT BUILD 243)
- Nonwoven geotextiles: Plunger pull out test (NT BUILD 242)
- Nordic basis of calculation of sound insulation in buildings (NT TR 425)
- Nordic evaluation of methods for testing fresh self-compacting concrete (NT TR 558)
- Nordic Guidelines for Chemical Analysis of Contaminated Soil Samples_Nordtest Technical Report (NT_TR 329)
- Nordic Horizontal Standard for Sampling (NT ENVIR 012)
- Nordic intercomparison programme in the field of acoustics – 3. Measurement: Field measurements of airborne sound insulation (NT TR 290)
- Nordic Round Robin and Investigation on IMO Resolution A 653 (16) (NT TR 529)
- Nordic sewer system inspection manual – Part 1 – Pipelines (NT TR 574)
- Nordic standard interface for transfer of data and graphics between proficiency test webs and statistical software (NT TR 513)
- Nordisk status for bruk av livsløpsanalyser (LCA) i avfallssektoren (NT TR 463)
- NORDTEST EN ISO 9712 Certification (DOC GEN 010 v6.2)
- NORDTEST EN ISO 9712 Certification (DOC GEN 010 v6.4)
- NORDTEST EN ISO 9712 Certification (DOC GEN 010)
- Nordtest sampler certification scheme handbook version 2-0 (NT ENVIR 008)
- Nordtest sampler certification scheme handbook version 2-1 (NT ENVIR 008)
- Nordtest scheme: For examination and certification of on site hardness testing personnel (NT MECH 044)
- Paint applied to wood: Water permeability (NT BUILD 331)
- Paint coatings, organic foil: Carbon dioxide diffusion resistance (NT BUILD 300)
- Panel heaters and cookers: Surface temperature (NT CONS 003)
- Particle boards: Compression strength (NT BUILD 317)
- Particle boards: Modulus of elasticity in tension and tensile strength (NT BUILD 316)
- Particle boards: Shear strength parallel to the plane of the board (NT BUILD 313)
- Particle boards: Shear strength perpendicular to the plane of the board (NT BUILD 315)
- Partitions under horizontal static load: Rigidity (NT BUILD 062)
- Pendulum impact testing machines: Calibration (NT MECH 036)
- Performance testing of active noise control (ANC) systems – Guideline (NT TR 487)
- Performance testing of oil spill skimmers (NT CHEM 002)
- Personal gas monitors: Performance (NT ELEC 022)
- Personal protective equipment for firefighters: Complete suit test in hazardous conditions (NT FIRE 052)
- Physical interpretation of temperature data measured in the SBI fire test (NT TR 416)
- Pipe in tube systems (NT VVS 129)
- Pipe insulation: Fire spread and smoke production – Full scale test (NT FIRE 036)
- Pipe insulation: Thermal transmittance (NT VVS 077)
- Pipes for potable water supply – Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (upvc): Extractability of toxic additives (NT VVS 052)
- Plastics – accelerated ageing in alkaline environment (NT POLY 161)
- Plastics pipes: Stress cracking rubber sealants (NT VVS 026)
- Plastics, aged: Thickness of oxidized layer (NT BUILD 095)
- Plastics: Flow rate ratio (frr) (NT POLY 171)
- Portable ladders -accessories: Strength and stiffness, safety for users (NT MECH 021)
- Pre-insulated bonded pipe units: Thermal transmlttance measurements (NT VVS 080)
- Preparation of water-in-oil emulsion for testing of oil spill response equipment (NT CHEM 003)
- Pressure balances: Calibration (NT MECH 009)
- Pressure balances: Gas medium, calibration (NT MECH 023)
- Pressure gauges: Calibration (NT MECH 022)
- Pressure pipe systems: PVC fittings (NT POLY 182)
- Pressure reduction valves: Flow capacity (NT VVS 032)
- Pressure reduction valves: Regulating ability (NT VVS 031)
- Pressure reduction valves: Wear (NT VVS 033)
- Printed wiring assemblies: Reliability stress screening (NT ELEC 018)
- Programmable electrical medical sytems (PEMS): Evaluation of the functional safety of the programmable medical equipment (NT ELEC 032)
- Programmable logic controller (plc): Validation of plc safety critical application software (NT ELEC 031)
- Protective garments: Measurement of the charge decay time of esd-protective garments (NT ELEC 037)
- Protective paint coatings on steel: Accelerated corrosion test in high humidity air containing small amounts of sulphur dioxide (NT BUILD 377)
- Provtagning och analys av träskyddsbehandlat virke (NT TR 567 – Swedish)
- Psychrometers for test chambers: Calibration (NT ELEC 020)
- Ptfe coatings: Scratch and abrasion resistance (NT CONS 017)
- Punched metal plate fasteners: Strength (NT BUILD 267)
- Radiator valves: Determination of the sound power level in the laboratory (NT ACOU 101)
- Radio control of cranes: Rc-equipment (NT ELEC 013)
- Railway traffic: Noise (NT ACOU 098)
- Reaction data of unsaturated polyester Resin by thermal analysis (NT POLY 179)
- Recommended methods for on site evaluation of the magnetization in MPI (NT TR 171)
- Refrigator and heat pump equipment: Check-ups and performance data inferred from measurements under field conditions In the refrigerant system (NT VVS 116)
- Refrigeration and heat pump equipment: General conditions for field testing and presentation of performance (NT VVS 115)
- Reinforcement: Corrosion resistance (NT BUILD 217)
- Relative air humidity: Calibration of electrical instruments (NT BUILD 340)
- Relative humidity: Measuring with a dewpoint hygrometer (NT BUILD 474)
- Relative humidity: Using electrical instruments with hygroscopic sensors (NT BUILD 475)
- Reproducibility of measurements with ISO 140 and calculations with EN 12354 (NT TR 603)
- Resistance to cyclic compressive loading with square-wave load (NT POLY 187)
- Resthållfasthet hos brandskadad betong (NT TR 596)
- Reverberant test rooms: Sound absorption – Reference sound source (NT ACOU 040)
- Revision of the nordtest methodology for oil spill identification (NT TR 498)
- Revisjon av Nordtestmetode for besemmelse av betongs strekkfasthet og heftefasthet mellom betong og mørtel (NT TR 457)
- Road traffic – Vehicle noise emission (NT TR 557)
- Road traffic: Measurement of noise immission – Engineering method (NT ACOU 039)
- Road traffic: Measurement of noise immission – survey method (NT ACOU 056)
- Road vehicles: Determination of noise emission (NT ACOU 116)
- Roof coverings: Puncture by impact (NT BUILD 335)
- Roof coverings: Puncture, cumulative load (NT BUILD 336)
- Roof coverings: Strength of mechanical fasteners (NT BUILD 306)
- Roof coverings: Wind load resistance (NT BUILD 307)
- Roof sarking: Impact resistance (NT BUILD 431)
- Roof tile underlays: Watertightness – Tent effect (NT BUILD 488)
- Roofing membrane underlay (insulation material): Ageing due to increased humidity and heat (NT BUILD 434)
- Roofings: Fire spread (NT FIRE 006)
- Roofs: Watertightness under pulsating air pressure (NT BUILD 421)
- Room air cleaners: Performance (NT CONS 009)
- Room air cleaners; portable: Performance (NT VVS 106)
- Rooms: Noise level (NT ACOU 042)
- Rooms: Reverberation time (NT ACOU 053)
- Rooms: Reverberation time – Interrupted noise precision method (NT ACOU 059)
- Round Robin – Chemical emission testing by use of FLEC (NT TR 438)
- Round Robin test on heat exchanger or district heating (NT TR 532)
- Safety assessment of systems containing COTS software (NT TR 460)
- Safety nets in constructional work: Performance (NT BUILD 233)
- Samkalibrering av utstyr for luftmengdemåling (NT TR 456)
- Sammanfattande metod för att bestämma den totala halten PCA i extrakt från däck – ett preliminärt underlag för miljömerking (NT TR 469a)
- Sammanfattande metod för att bestämma den totala halten PCA i extrakt från däck – ett preliminärt underlag för miljömärking (NT TR 469)
- Sand: Alkali-silica reactivity accelerated test (NT BUILD 295)
- Sandwich panels: local impact strength of FRP-sandwich panels (NT MECH 042)
- Sanitary fittings: Overflow (NT VVS 072)
- Sanitary mixing taps: Overflow (NT VVS 013)
- Scientific background for the basis of an international standard for easy-to-open packages – EASYOPENPACK 2006-2008 (NT TR 614)
- Screw top containers: Openability (NT CONS 007)
- Sealed glazing units: Accelerated ageing (NT BUILD 371)
- Sewer systems: Internal inspection – evaluation of methods and equipment (NT VVS 050)
- Sheet folding machines: Noise (NT ACOU 052)
- Shooting ranges: Prediction of noise (NT ACOU 099)
- Shotcrete, concrete base: Bond strength (NT BUILD 351)
- Shotcrete: Frost resistance (NT BUILD 364)
- Shotcrete: Shrinkage in sprayed sample slabs (NT BUILD 352)
- Simplified nox emission procedures (NT TR 472)
- Small building elements: sound insulation (NT ACOU 037 withdrawn)
- Small chimneys: Heat insulation, tightness and mechanical strength at elevated temperatures (NT FIRE 020)
- Smoke alarms: Performance (NT 004)
- Social alarm systems: Type testing (NT ELEC 017)
- Solar collectors: Resistance of solar collectors to snow and wind loading NT VVS 111)
- Solar collectors: Testing the solar collector’s ageing and corrosion characteristics (NT VVS 110)
- Solid materials: Spontaneous ignition temperature by continuous heating (NT FIRE 045)
- Solid waste, granular inorganic material: Availability test (NT ENVIR 003)
- Solid waste, granular inorganic material: Column test (NT ENVIR 002)
- Solid waste, granular inorganic material: Compliance batch leaching test (NT ENVIR 005)
- Solid waste, granular inorganic material: Oxidised availability test (NT ENVIR 006)
- Solid waste, granular inorganic material: Up-flow percolation test using a flexible wall permeameter (NT ENVIR 007)
- Solid waste, municipal: Sampling and characterisation (NT ENVIR 001)
- Solid waste, particulate materials: Sampling (NT ENVIR 004)
- Sound level meters: Verification procedure (NT ACOU 068)
- Sound scattering in rooms with ceiling treatment (NT TR 606)
- Sound signaling devices: Acoustic emission (NT ACOU 081)
- Spreading surface tension by the applied droplet method (NT POLY 176)
- Stain test for Natural Stones (NT TR 595)
- Static testing machines: Verification procedure (NT MECH 001)
- Static torque meters: Calibration (NT MECH 024)
- Statistical Evaluation of Fatigue Data with Run-outs (NT TR 373)
- Steel emissivity at high temperatures (NT TR 570)
- Steel for concrete reinforcement: Bend testing, bars (NT MECH 017)
- Steel for concrete reinforcement: Bend testing, welded fabrics (NT MECH 016)
- Steels for concrete reinforcement: Axial load fatigue testing of bars (NT MECH 014)
- Steels for concrete reinforcement: Diameter and cross-sectional area of bars (NT MECH 005)
- Steels for concrete reinforcement: Rebend testing of bars (NT MECH 004)
- Steels for concrete reinforcement: Shear testing of joints in welded fabrics (NT MECH 006)
- Steels for concrete reinforcement: Tensile testing of bars (NT MECH 007)
- Steep roofs – coverings : Tightness (NT BUILD 118)
- Structural wood – finger joints: Proof loading (NT BUILD 115)
- Study to characterize thermal convection effects in water (NT TR 501)
- Suitability of XRF-methods on on-site testing of waste materials (NT TR 545)
- Superpave test methods for asphalt – Procedure for DSR testing (NT TR 538)
- Surface coating, cement mortar: Anti-carbonation effect (NT BUILD 372)
- System for rating of airborne sound insulation in buildings and of building elements (NT TR 471)
- Tapping machines – impact sound insulation: Verification procedure (NT ACOU 071)
- Tapping torque test for cutting fluid evaluation (NT MECH 039)
- Temperature and relative humidity of air: Measuring with a thermohygrograph (NT BUILD 473)
- Temperature prediction during cure for fibre reinforced unsaturated polyester materials (NT POLY 180)
- Test for thermal and weathering properties of aggregates: Determination of resistance to freezing and thawing with/without salt (NT BUILD 485 – Edition 2)
- Test method – Load bearing mechanical fasteners for timber frame sheeting (NT BUILD 508)
- Test methods – The protective capability of anti-graffiti coatings on concrete (NT BUILD 517)
- Test methods adapted for alternative and recycled, porous aggregate materials (Part 3 – Water absorption) (NT TR 550)
- Test methods for components used in vertical geothermal heat exchangers (NT TR 572)
- Test methods for monitoring genetically modified microorganisms (GMMs) in nature (NT TR 455)
- Testing and evaluation of long term performance of solar collectors: Thermal performance, reliability and durability after one year’s outdoor exposure under stagnation conditions (NT VVS 112)
- Testing durability of treated wood according to EN 252 – Interpretation of data from Nordic test fields (NT TR 591)
- Tests for doc-leaching from waste materials (NT TR 582)
- Tests of cellular plastic (XPS and EPS) insulation boards, resistance to cyclic compressive loading with square-wave load (NT TR 547)
- Textile fabrics: Ignition and flame spread (NT FIRE 029)
- Thermal anemometers low velocities: Frequency response and time-constant or cut-off frequency (NT VVS 089)
- Thermal insulation material: Porous thickness (NT BUILD 359)
- Thermal storage heaters: Performance test (NT VVS 099)
- Thermometers, contact, direct reading: Calibration (NT VVS 103)
- Thermometers, liquid-in-glass: Calibration (NT VVS 102)
- Thermostatic mixing valves: Flow resistance (NT VVS 059)
- Thermostatic mixing valves: Hysteresis (NT VVS 061)
- Thermostatic mixing valves: Proportional band (NT VVS 60)
- Thermostatic mixing valves: Varying water temperature and pressure (NT VVS 062)
- Three-way control valves for hot water systems: Flow characteristics of the valve used as mixing valve (NT VVS 084)
- Tillverkning och användning av laboratoriereferensmaterial vid testing av fast avfall (NT TR 486)
- Timber in structural sizes: Determination of shear strength and shear modulus parallel to the grain (NT BUILD 378)
- Timber in structural sizes: Strength and modulus of elasticity in compression perpendicular to the grain (NT BUILD 374)
- Timber in structural sizes: Strength and modulus of elasticity in tension perpendicular to the grain (NT BUILD 373)
- Timber structures – Solid wood elements: Nailed-laminated wood elements and glued cross-laminated wood elements – Requirements (NT BUILD 513)
- Time-triggered technology for automation and machinery control communities (NT TR 612)
- Tools, single point: Wear evaluation by short cycle turning tests (NT MECH 037)
- Total ventilation air flow rate: Continous measurement – constant flow technique (NT VVS 074)
- Traceable calibration and uncertainty of measurements in scanning electron microscopy NT TR 252
- Transgenic raw materials in food production – Detection of transgene and heterologous protein levels (NT TR 542)
- Transport and fate of surfactants in the aquatic environment (NT TR 524)
- Trestles: mechanical strength and general properties (NT MECH 002)
- Turning tool life test for cutting fluid evaluation (NT MECH 040)
- Uncertainties in measuring heat and smoke release rates in the room or corner test and the SBI test (NT TR 477)
- Uncertainty calculations for calibration of water and heat flow meters (NT VVS 131)
- Uncertainty from sampling – A Nordtest Handbook (NT TR 604 ed 2)
- Uncertainty in heat flux calibrations performed according to NT FIRE 050 (NT TR 494)
- Undersøgelse af grundlaget for anvendelse af batchudvaskningstesten NT ENVIR 005 i forbindelse med testning af udvaskningen af sporelementer fra jord (NT TR 461)
- Undersøgelse af grundlaget for anvendelse af batchudvaskningstesten NT ENVIR 005 i forbindelse med testning af udvaskningen af sporelementer fra jord (NT TR 461a)
- Undersøgelse af mulighederne for automatisering af kolonnetesten NT ENVIR 002 (NT TR 519)
- Undersøgelse af mulighederne for automatisering af kolonnetesten NT ENVIR 002 (NT TR 519a)
- Upholstered furniture: Burning behaviour – Full scale test (NT FIRE 032)
- Use of lysimeters for characterisation of leaching from soil and mainly inorganic waste materials (NT TR 473)
- Validation of communication safety critical control systems (NT TR 543)
- Validation of safety-related wireless machine control systems (NT TR 605)
- Validation of the functional safety of programmable electronic systems (PES): Framework (NT ELEC 033)
- Vehicles: Determination of immission relevant noise emission (NT ACOU 109)
- Ventilation : Simple determination of air flow rate in thermal plumes (NT VVS 113)
- Ventilation ducts: Fire resistance (NT FIRE 034)
- Ventilation: Flow rate, total effective -by single zone approximation (NT VVS 105)
- Ventilation: Local mean age of air -homogeneous emission techniques (NT VVS 118)
- Ventilation: Vents for direct supply of outdoor air air flow pattern and draught criterion (NT VVS 092)
- Ventilations filters: Field test of efficiency (NT VVS 128)
- Ventilatlon: Vents for direct supply of outdoor air capacity rating (NT VVS 091)
- Vertical building surfaces: Resistance to glancing blows (NT BUILD 063)
- Vertical surfaces: Assessment of visible soiling (NT BUILD 237)
- Vibration measuring instrumentation: Verification procedure (NT ACOU 094)
- Vibratory plate compactors: Noise test code (NT ACOU 087)
- Voltmeters and ammeters for dc welding: Calibration and function testing (NT ELEC 028)
- Värmeavgivning för golvvärmesystem (NT TR 511)
- Wall components: Resistance to impact from a large soft body (NT BUILD 493)
- Wall constructions: Strength and rigidity at combined vertical and horizontal loading (NT BUILD 137)
- Wall coverings and bushings for water pipes and taps in bathrooms: Watertightness (NT BUILD 448)
- Wall coverings: Waterproofing on small test pieces (NT BUILD 389)
- Walls in bathrooms: Watertightness and resistance to water and moisture (NT BUILD 058)
- Walls: Resistance to hard body impact (NT BUILD 066)
- Walls: Strength and deflection under static point load (NT BUILD 067)
- Waste testing in Baltic countries – Transfer and exchange of information on leaching tests (NT TR 559)
- Water closets: Flushing volumes less than 6 litres (NT VVS 120)
- Water closets: Property of flushing (NT VVS 001)
- Water supply systems – compression fittings for copper pipes: Resistance to pull out (NT VVS 064)
- Water supply systems – compression fittings for copper pipes: Tightness (NT VVS 065)
- Water supply systems: Noise (NT VVS 012)
- Water taps: Flow resistance (NT VVS 027)
- Water taps: Water hammer (NT VVS 030)
- Water taps: Watertightness under operational conditions (NT VVS 028)
- Water taps: Watertightness under static pressure (NT VVS 029)
- Water traps: Self-cleaning (NT VVS 057)
- Wedge splitting test method (WST): Fracture testing of fibre-reinforced concrete (Mode I) (NT BUILD 511)
- Welds in thin materials: Ultrasonic examination (NT NDT 013)
- Whole body vibration in mobile machinery – A pilot study of consequences of new evaluation methods (NT TR 516)
- Wind turbines – noise: Performance (NT ACOU 089)
- Windows : Maneuverability (NT BUILD 149)
- Windows and french doors, child-resistant devices: Strength and function (NT CONS 018)
- Windows, window-doors, external doors, facades: Pulsating air pressure test (NT BUILD 116)
- Windows: Resistance to condensation inside the window (NT BUILD 236)
- Windows: Resistance to condensation on the inner surface (NT BUILD 235)
- Windows: Traffic noise reduction indices (NT ACOU 061)
- Wood frame walls: Racking test of sheathing materials (NT BUILD 362)
- Wood-burning stoves: Heat output and efficiency (NT VVS 071)
- Wood-burning stoves: Safety (NT VVS 070)
- Wood: Fracture energy in tension perpendicular to the grain (NT BUILD 422)
- Wooden I-beams: Test method for evaluation of flange/web glue bond quality (NT BUILD 512)