Inter-laboratory comparison of Nordtest test method for measurement of noise in working environment (NT TR 586)

  • Report #: NT TR 586
  • Approved: April 2004
  • Author(s): Tønnes Ognedal, Iiris Turunen-Rise
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Nordtest Methods provided in 2002; NT ACOU 114 “Acoustics: Measurement of occupational noise exposure of workers – Survey method” and NT ACOU 115 “Acoustics: Measurement of occupational noise exposure of workers – Engineering method” were tested by making round robin tests in Nordic countries. The methods contain survey and engineering measurements that are based on short-term measurements and splitting up of the working day in work operations with similar noise levels. There was a need to test the functionality of the methods and to quantify the uncertainty in measurements. Tests on work places in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden were performed and the resulting noise exposure and uncertainties were calculated and analysed in order to quantify the accuracy of the method. In addition, the methods were re-considered for clarifications and improvements of the contents. The new improved methods are considered more accurate and less time consuming than conventional methods normally used in the Nordic countries.