Solid waste, municipal: Sampling and characterisation (NT ENVIR 001)

  • Report #: NT ENVIR 001
  • Approved: May 1995
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  The function of this test method is to obtain information about the amount and composition of solid waste, primarily household waste and similar mixed waste from various enterprises and activities, excluding branch-specific waste from industry, agriculture, construction and demolition, energy production and solid and liquid waste treatment plants. As a general rule, all waste containing components which are easily detectable by humans and can be hand-sorted, can be analysed by the test methods described. The function is nevertheless dependent on the purpose of the investigation and on who or what the investigation is directed at. Therefore, this test description gives advice and rules rather than exact procedures. The test includes determination of specific waste generation rate (SWG) and the physical component-wise composition of the solid waste, as well as sample preparation for further chemical and physical analysis. The flowsheet below illustrates the elements which are included in the method with reference to the appropriate sections.  
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